High-quality early learning programs help support your child’s development and prepare them for a successful future!


Ways that we assist and support include:

  • Locating quality child care programs that meet the family’s needs.
  • Child care referral assistance for children with special needs.
  • Helping families connect to resources in the community.
  • Facilitating family workshops at early learning programs to engage with families and model ways to extend and support learning at home.

Contact us today! 800.273.2331 or FindChildcare@wrksolutions.com.

Texas Child Care Connection
Search online to find appropriate child care options that fit your family’s needs.

NEW  Resource Family Guide
Upcoming community events, support in locating quality child care programs, and more!

Parent Intake Form – English
Request help for child care referrals or community resources for families.

Parent Intake Form – Spanish
Solicite ayuda del equipo de Servicios para Familias para obtener referencias de cuidado infantil o recursos comunitarios.